
Motorcycle theft statistics

Motorcycle Theft Statistics – Will It Keep Soaring in the US [Updated 2023]

How likely is it that someone will steal your motorcycle this year? The answer is, we won’t know precisely till sometime next year! Reports aren’t done until the year is over.  However, we will be able to draw conclusions about the more or less current state of motorcycle crime within the next few months, once…

Couple on a motorcycle date at the beach

What to Wear on a Motorcycle Date? (8 Tips for First-Timers!)

Note from Jay: I see a lot of people (mostly cis women, I believe) in forums asking “What should I wear on a motorcycle date?” . It’s totally understandable if you don’t ride and haven’t dated a motorcyclist before. Rather than fumble my way through it, I asked my girlfriend, Sylvia, to share her experiences…

What To Do If Your Motorcycle Is Stolen

What To Do If Your Motorcycle Is Stolen [Step-By-Step Guide]

You’ve heard of it, maybe seen it on television. But now, it happened to you. I’m talking, of course, about the stolen bike curse. Despite your best efforts, someone has made off with your machine. Any number of thoughts could be going through your head such as extracting cruel and unusual revenge on the perpetrator…

what causes motorcycle death wobble

The Cause, Effect, and Cure of the Motorcycle Death Wobble

There are few things as unnerving as losing control of your motorcycle. Here, the cause, effect, and cure of the motorcycle death wobble will give you all the information you need to deal with the problem. The questions you will find answered are: What is a death wobble? How are death wobbles caused?  How do…

What To Do With Motorcycle Helmet When Parked

What To Do With Your Motorcycle Helmet When You’re Parked

There is no better feeling than pulling up to your destination, parking your bike, taking off your gloves, and pulling off your helmet to see all heads turned in your direction admiring your bike. You climb off, take off your jacket and find yourself with your arms full of gear, and all thoughts of a…

What is Considered High Mileage for a Motorcycle

What is Considered High Mileage for a Motorcycle (and Why does it Matter)?

For one make and model of motorcycle, we may consider 30,000 miles on the clock to be high. While for another, 60,000 miles is a walk in the park. Read on and find out why. When it comes to motorcycles, this has to be one of the most in-depth questions to consider. As straightforward as…

Should I Wear Safety Gear When Riding a Motorcycle

Should I Wear Safety Gear When Riding a Motorcycle?

Should I Wear Safety Gear When Riding a Motorcycle? I honestly think that this question has been at the back of the minds of every motorcyclist since the humble motorbike was invented. Think back to your earliest exposure to the concept of a powered 2 wheel vehicle and depending on your age you’ll probably imagine…

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