SeaFoam for Motorcycles — Time for a Foam Run!
Planning to store away your motorcycle for a few weeks?
To be honest, keeping the engine inactive for a few weeks isn’t the best idea. But if you have to do it, you need to prepare the engine for storage.
What’s the best way to do that?
Enter Sea Foam fuel additive for motorcycles—the “do it all” cleaner and stabilizer for engine and fuel treatment.
But, is Sea Foam really that good? Let’s take a closer look and find out.
What is Sea Foam for Motorcycles?
“There ain’t nothing more awesome than some Sea Foam”
Sounds familiar?
Actually, I’ve seen many veterans who trust nothing but Sea Foam for their motorcycle engines.
Even though I’m not a big fan of additives, I’ve used Sea Foam a few times. To be honest, it worked well for me.
💡 Did you know? Sea Foam has been a popular choice for automobile mechanics since 1942.
As it has been around for more than 70 years, you can rest assured about the performance and reliability of the product.
And don’t be deceived by the name. Sea Foam has no actual foam in it.

Sea Foam is made from blending multiple petroleum-based compounds that act as cleaning and lubricating agents. This allows it to blend evenly with the fuel and act on the internal components of the bike.
Also, Sea Foam can be used with conventional and synthetic motor oils as well.
The brand also mentions that Sea Foam can be used on all motorcycle engines and causes no damage to the internal components. It’s safe for all other types of diesel and gasoline engines too.
This versatility makes Sea Foam one of the most popular choices in the market. You can use it not only on your bike but also in trucks, lawnmowers, generators, snowmobiles, and marine engines.
Here are the benefits of adding Sea Foam to the fuel.
- It helps the entire fuel system to work smoothly
- Cleans up nasty carbon deposits from carburetor and fuel injector passageways
- Lubricates the upper engine cylinders and piston rings
- Keeps the fuel lines, seals, and gaskets in prime condition
- When added to the oil, it dissolves and cleans diesel soot deposits
- It cleans the sludge and helps in draining the residues during an oil change
- Stabilizes the fuel for long periods
- Cleans the intake valves and the deposits in the engine chambers
And that’s not all.
A combination of Sea Foam Motor Treatment and Sea Foam Spray can also help your bike run cleaner and greener. It will help in cleaning up the fuel injectors and engine chambers and ensure better fuel combustion.
How To Use Sea Foam in a Motorcycle?
In most cases, carbureted motorcycles with steel gas tanks are the most difficult to store. The airways inside the system can get plugged with deposits as the fuel ages and deteriorates. Eventually, the fuel tank and the components in the carb can get rusted.
And one major reason for that is the presence of ethanol in gasoline. Since ethanol is hygroscopic, it can lead to more corrosion and the formation of deposits.
Well, I know there are veterans who dig tuning carburetors and love the personality that the old carbs add to their bikes
But let’s accept it…
It takes a lot of time and money to clean up a carburetor. Not to forget it results in higher tailpipe emissions.

On the other hand motorcycles with fuel injection systems are less prone to damage from stale fuel. All that electronic mumbo-jumbo can be difficult to comprehend, but they need less maintenance and make your life easier.
The advantage of Sea Foam is, it works equally well with both types of fuel delivery systems.
(Let’s say it’s the grease that keeps your relationship with your motorcycle super stable.)
Besides, Sea Foam is super-easy to use. Just pour it into the fuel tank, run the engine for some time, and the job is done.
Basically, Sea Foam will work its magic on anywhere the fuel reaches. It comes in multiple forms and you can use it in various ways.
Let’s take a look at how to use Sea Foam in a motorcycle gas tank for storage or for cleaning up the entire fuel system.
- Keep the fuel quantity in the tank between 1 gallon and ½ gallon.
- Pour a bottle of Sea Foam into the tank.
- Now let the engine idle for around 10 minutes. Once you notice the white vapor coming out of the engine, shut it off. That means the Sea Foam has spread all through the engine and the exhaust system.
Sea Foam can be used to store the fuel for up to two years.
In addition, you can spray Sea Foam directly into the carburetor intake by removing the air filter. The product is also available in the form of a spray.
How about using Sea Foam in motorcycle oil?
- Use 1 ounce of Sea Foam for every gallon of oil in the crankcase. Ensure one treatment for every oil change interval.
- Pour the required amount of Sea Foam directly into the engine crankcase through the fill hole. Then start the bike and allow it to idle for a few minutes.
- Next, turn off the engine and check the drain plug and the oil filter for any leaks.
How Much Sea Foam to Use in Motorcycle Gas Tanks?
The amount of Sea Foam you need to use varies depending on the purpose. You can use it for maintenance or cleaning.
- The standard amount for use is 1 ounce per gallon for regular maintenance. One can of Sea Foam should be used with 16 gallons of fuel.
- At least 1 ounce per gallon of fuel for stabilizing fuel for storage.
- For fuel system cleaning, 2 ounces per gallon can be added. However, the more you add, the better the cleaning action. Sea Foam recommends a high ratio of up to 4 ounces per gallon.
Now, I wouldn’t suggest pouring a can of Sea Foam in an almost empty tank and taking the bike out for a ride. ( Actually, one of my friends did make an ass of himself that way.)
Keep in mind that Sea Foam is NOT the magic bullet to get rid of all engine problems. It should be used for preventive maintenance and to help your motorcycle run smoothly; especially if you don’t use it often.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why you should never use SeaFoam?
Some experts say that too much seafoam in motorcycles can thin out the engine oil by affecting its viscosity. This may have a negative effect on some sensitive engines. In some cases, it may have a negative effect on the gas mileage.
To be fair, there aren’t many negative reports about Sea Foam that can raise a red flag.
Can Sea Foam ruin your engine?
Sea Foam is clean from any hazardous chemicals that can damage the engine components.
Do you put SeaFoam in before or after gas?
Ideally, Sea Foam should be poured into the motorcycle engine after the gas.